Growing up in church, I was always taught that the most important thing to remember about the Bible was the gospel. If you didn’t remember anything else, you should know that Jesus Christ died for your sins. At the time, that was great. It meant I only had to focus on four books of the Bible about Jesus and could simply gloss over or ignore the other sixty-two.

Only the Gospels talk about Jesus, right?


Later on, I began to spend more time with the other books of the Bible. As I did, I saw how the history of Israel led up to Jesus via prophecy. I learned how the rest of the New Testament taught us how to live the Christian life. But I still didn’t get the whole picture.

It wasn’t until years later that a friend of mine challenged my cursory understanding of the Bible. He told me that all of the Bible was about Jesus. I thought my friend was blowing smoke.

Sure, the Old Testament is about the history of Jesus’ family & lineage, but how is it about him? How do Proverbs and Song of Solomon relate to Jesus? Needless to say, as I thought about it and read the Bible more, my friend’s statement started to make sense.

Jesus Christ is on every page of Scripture, whether we see it or not.

Gospel transformation study bible Jesus


I’m excited about Crossway’s Gospel Transformation Study Bible because of my own experience in trying to understand the gospel throughout the entirety of the Bible. This study Bible is the first of its kind! It shows you how Jesus Christ and the Gospel can be found in all sixty-six books of the Bible.

Most study Bibles only help you understand Scripture passages based on immediate context. However, the Gospel Transformation Study Bible notes focus on explaining passages as they relate to redemptive history and the gospel.

This means that each note points you to how the gospel message is communicated right there in Psalms, Leviticus, or whichever book you’re reading!

Additionally, this study Bible also contains introductions for each book of the Bible. These introductions will give you a window into how the gospel is found in that book, even providing you with a topical index.


Now, what if you already own a different study Bible… like the ESV Study Bible? Even if you already own it, you’ll still want to own the Gospel Transformation Study Bible. No matter the passage you’re studying, the two work together as perfect companions to give you the clearest understanding possible. Where the ESV Study Bible helps you to understand the passage in its immediate context, the Gospel Transformation Study Bible helps you relate that same passage to the gospel.

All of this puts the Gospel Transformation Study Bible in a unique position to help Christians everywhere understand the gospel, from Genesis to Revelation.


Don’t be like me, taking years to understand the fullness of the gospel. Pick up this resource and get there faster than I did. Now that I’ve found this study Bible, I’m opening it every time I read God’s Word.

In closing, I’d like to share a verse from Shai Linne, one of my favorite Christian rappers, as he explains the importance of the gospel in his song “Expository Preaching”:

Y’all should be mindful of this devout thesis//
All of the Bible is about Jesus//
The Old Testament- Jesus Christ concealed//
The New Testament- Jesus Christ revealed//
This truth of the Lord- Christ boldly proclaimed this//
In Luke 24 on the road to Emmaus//
The law, the prophets and the teachings of Apostles//
All of these point back to Jesus and the gospel//
So if the work of Christ is what the Word is about//
Ultimately, it should be what the sermon’s about//
Forget applause, you’ve got to let the cross rock ya//
All roads in the Bible lead to Golgotha//
Whatever the text, faithfulness demands//
That we should hear the echoes of nails hitting His hands//
Don’t try to be original- say the old story//
And watch your people changed as they behold glory//


Head on over to our website to learn more about the Gospel Transformation Study Bible and start using it today.

Do you find it difficult to read and study the Bible regularly? The Gospel Transformation Study Bible can be found within our ESV Olive Tree Bible Study Pack, a hand-picked collection of tools to help you grow in knowledge and faith. Equip yourself with a curated list of titles and exclusive training on how to use them.


  1. Troy Mullens

    I use this a lot. It leads to what is most important.

  2. Shalom!
    I am so blessed in your message. and i am using this for my study and learn more the word of God. I am here in middle east surrounded by Muslim people. Just we start our ministry here we called Christian Mission World and this blog is a big help for me to study and share. God Bless you more and more.