


Articles on Studying Christian History

Whether we’re talking about ancient Christians, cultures, or events, you can find it here under the historical category. We at Olive Tree think that ancient Christian history is important. It is our hope that the articles on studying Christian history will inspire you in your learning.

So, what are you waiting for? Start reading Augustine’s thoughts on the beatitudes, or learn how the Protestant reformation began. Get an overview with 14 Facts About Biblical Life or a short bio on John Wesley. Or, better yet, learn why you should care about ancient Christian history at all.

Who is Thomas Cranmer? We know! Mostly because we found some great biographies in our store. We’ve broken up the bits to give you a short summary of a man with a long list of accomplishments. NAME: Thomas Cranmer BIRTH: July 2, 1489 DEATH: March 21, 1556, age 66 HOMETOWN:…

For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all peopleTitus 2:11 SOLA GRATIA – GRACE ALONE Three of the five solas are so intertwined that it’s hard to distinguish their nuances. The Reformers believed that salvation is through faith alone, by grace alone, in Christ alone. These three…

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John Calvin

John Calvin is a big name in Reformation history! Brush up on your knowledge of him with this tiny biography. NAME: John Calvin BIRTH: July 10, 1509 DEATH: May 27, 1564 HOMETOWN: Noyon, France, 67 miles northeast of Paris VOCATION: Scholar, Theologian, Preacher FAMILY: Wife Idelette de Bure, 3 children,…

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FAITH ALONE? One of the pillars of the Reformation was the belief that we are saved by faith alone. The cry sola fide declared that we come to salvation, not through any righteousness of our own, but solely through the work and person of Jesus Christ. What does faith alone…

Who exactly was the man behind the 95 theses? Start here to get a tiny biography on Martin Luther, the man who made a huge impact. NAME: Martin Luther BIRTH: November 10, 1483 DEATH: February 18, 1546 HOMETOWN: Eisleben, Germany, 130 miles southwest of Berlin VOCATION: Augustinian monk, priest, professor…

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THE HISTORY OF SOLA SCRIPTURA When the Reformation began the doctrine of Scripture was central: sola scriptura. During this time the Bible was not something for the common man. Through the centuries, the Roman Catholic church elevated the authority of tradition. Then they elevated papal office’s interpretation over that of…

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MY OWN STORY A couple months ago I talked about how I learned to love church history. Around that time, I started work on another history project: my family tree. I don’t remember what motivated me, but I spent countless hours stitching together my family’s history on While working…

14 facts of biblical life

One of the biggest benefits of learning about ancient biblical life is the ability to better apply what you read. It can help shape the way you view the rest of the passage, book, or even the Bible—equipping you to understand God’s Word and apply it to your life. So,…

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Geneva Bible

When it was first printed, the Geneva Bible was the most reader-friendly version of the Bible ever translated. Its numerous innovations made it ideal for the common reader. What sets the Geneva Bible apart? I recently sat down with Dr. David A. Bennett, a local antique Bible collector and amateur…

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When I was in elementary school, I remember constructing a family tree. I have fond memories of those exercises because they created opportunities to learn about my extended family. Now that I’m a parent, I’m glad to have the information to pass onto my children so our family’s history can…