


Commentaries in the Olive Tree Bible App

Commentaries — there are endless possibilities! This archive contains posts on our most popular sets, giving you a look inside.

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What can we learn from Paul’s emotional and relational appeal to the churches in Galatia? Here’s how Scot McKnight poses the question in his commentary on Galatians in the NIV Application Commentary. “What can we learn about pastoring, or caring for the spiritual welfare of others, from Paul’s own example?”…

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Luke records Jesus’ first sermon in his hometown of Nazareth in 4:14­­–30. While Jesus clearly taught in the surrounding area to much acclaim, the response of those in his hometown was different. His words initially sparked amazement, but that amazement soon turned into a murderous rage. What did he say…

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One of the fascinating things about the prophets is not just that they spoke Yahweh’s message to his people, but that they also were the message. Through various actions they performed, they symbolized and communicated the message Yahweh wanted his people to hear. One such occasion occurred during the ministry…

The whole story of the book of Ruth hinges on the pivotal third chapter. Naomi devises a plan for Ruth to essentially propose to Boaz. And Ruth, astonishingly, agrees to the plan and throws caution to the wind. Christopher Ash says Ruth demonstrates “six facets of covenant faith” in this…

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When criticized in ministry we may be tempted to pull out the so-called big guns. If we’re not careful, we may respond to such criticism with some fairly offensive attacks of our own. However, the “I’ll show you” or the “Criticize this” approach won’t get us very far with our…

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Prior to the first battle after Israel entered the land of Canaan, Joshua encountered a mysterious warrior. This warrior identifies himself as the commander of the Lord’s army. Who is this commander and what does his appearance indicate? Let’s get some help in understanding Joshua’s encounter with this mysterious warrior…

What can today’s churches learn from the letters to the churches in Revelation? In Revelation 2–3, John addresses seven letters to seven churches in Asia Minor. These notes from the Interpretation Commentary help us see into the challenges facing the seven churches. From this we can identify some of the…

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The book of Numbers begins with the people preparing to enter the promised land. But, for the majority of those people, that would never come to pass. What begins with such promise quickly dissipates as the people grumble, rebel, and refuse to trust God’s promise. One such occasion occurs with…