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Look Inside Olive Tree Resources

Wondering what Bible study tools are right for you? Take a look inside Olive Tree resources and decide for yourself. We’ll give our thoughts on it, too.

Some categories of resources include Bibles, study Bibles, commentaries, and dictionaries. Also, there are posts on more unique resources! For example, learn about Calvin’s Institutes or audio devotionals. In these posts, we’ll show you screenshots and gifs of how it works and special features.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us. You can do so by emailing or messaging us directly on social media. We will do our best to answer your questions!

I’m not sure what was going through the minds of the twelve disciples when Jesus called and commissioned them in Mark 6:7–13. But he did give them authority to act in His name. They called the people to repentance, cast out the uncleans spirits, and healed many who were sick.…

Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament. And, apart from 2 and 3 John, the shortest in the Bible. This short and challenging book gives us some insights and perspectives on understanding YHWH’s dealings with the nations. The long-term repercussions of the sibling rivalry between Jacob and Esau…

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The Old Testament covers a significant amount of time and describes essential events for us to understand. From Creation to the Fall, from the Flood to the Tower of Babel, from the Exodus to the Conquest, from the Monarchy to the Divided Kingdom, from the Exile to the Return from…

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To some, imitation describes a cheap knockoff, something masquerading as genuine but is just a counterfeit in reality. To others, imitation is “the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness” (Oscar Wilde). So, imitation is either pretending to be something it isn’t, or it’s trying to be…

Hebrews 9 is one of the most significant chapters in the Bible that explains and applies the meaning of Christ’s death. It is filled with contrasts—the earthly with the heavenly, the temporal with the eternal, the old with the new, and many more. The Day of Atonement provides the backdrop…

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I love a good mystery in any shape or form. Whether a classic novel, film, show, or game, mysteries are great at honing the skills of observation and deduction. My wife and I even recently participated in a murder mystery dinner party. While we didn’t successfully solve the crime, it…

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Most of us are bombarded with hundreds if not thousands of messages every day. These messages come in many forms, from notifications to advertisements to texts and emails. No matter how much we may want to be “ad free,” it’s becoming nearly impossible not to be inundated with these messages.…

We all know that one attribute Yahweh uses to reveal himself is “steadfast love” (hesed, cf. Ex. 34:6–7). The term is difficult to convey in English, so translations differ on how to express it. Should it be “lovingkindness” (ASV), “steadfast love” (ESV), “mercy” (KJV), “faithfulness” (NASB), or simply “love” (NIV)?…

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After the stoning of Stephen at the end of the Acts 7, the church in Jerusalem faced fierce persecution and fled throughout the surrounding regions. While the opponents of the church were seeking to destroy it, their intense persecution actually helped spread the word. Those who fled Jerusalem did not…

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Each morning presents itself with countless opportunities to worry. It could be a recent news headline or a comment on your social media post. Or it could be something far more serious—a cancer diagnosis, job layoff, or eviction notice. So, we all know the truthfulness of Jesus’ words in Matthew…