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Look Inside Olive Tree Resources

Wondering what Bible study tools are right for you? Take a look inside Olive Tree resources and decide for yourself. We’ll give our thoughts on it, too.

Some categories of resources include Bibles, study Bibles, commentaries, and dictionaries. Also, there are posts on more unique resources! For example, learn about Calvin’s Institutes or audio devotionals. In these posts, we’ll show you screenshots and gifs of how it works and special features.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us. You can do so by emailing or messaging us directly on social media. We will do our best to answer your questions!

Ever since the first untrue words were uttered in the garden by the serpent and his lies infiltrated that sacred space, the need to believe the truth became essential. This is all the more true since sin has affected our natural disposition. We are inclined to “suppress the truth” (Rom.…

If you’ve been wanting to dig a little deeper into the Bible but are intimidated by the dense and technical academic commentaries, then we have an excellent option for you—the Opening Up the Bible commentary series. This is a series designed for study, so you could consider it a bridge…

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Have you ever wondered why God gave us five senses? Or have you ever wondered what life would be like without one of your senses? Which sense would you choose to live without if you had to choose one of them? Thankfully, we don’t have to make that choice when…

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It is very easy in our day and age to find ourselves fascinated with anything new. It could be a new TV show, a new gadget, a new pet, or a new restaurant. With new things popping up everywhere, it is ever so easy to overlook or forget about the…

The Reformation Commentary on Scripture is a very unique commentary. The editors of this series have given us access into how the reformers understood the Scriptures. Comments are provided by numerous reformers with multiple comments for every passage of Scripture and often for every verse. Considering how challenging it would…

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The Reformation Study Bible is an excellent resource that provides numerous comments on the biblical text, but also includes articles on theology and some of the historic creeds and confessions of the church. In this article, we want to highlight the faith that sparked the Reformation, and we’ll do so…

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In Galatians 5:16–25, Paul contrasts the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. He does so in order to encourage the churches in Galatia to “walk in the Spirit.” The basis of his appeal is the new life they have in Christ by the Spirit (v. 25).…

The world recently witnessed the accession of King Charles III after the passing of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. While we still wait for the coronation ceremony, he officially holds numerous titles in the United Kingdom, the British monarchy, and the Commonwealth. Did you know that the Bible describes the…

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One of the beauties of marriage is that it creates something new, something that didn’t exist before. When a man and woman come together in holy matrimony, they leave their former lives and families behind to form a new family. This new indissoluble bond gives them a new identity (husband…

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Our main mission here at Olive Tree is to “inspire people to connect with God and study the Bible using technology.” This is why we exist as a company. We exist to help you connect with God by reading and studying the Bible with technology. Pretty simple, right? But have…