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Look Inside Olive Tree Resources

Wondering what Bible study tools are right for you? Take a look inside Olive Tree resources and decide for yourself. We’ll give our thoughts on it, too.

Some categories of resources include Bibles, study Bibles, commentaries, and dictionaries. Also, there are posts on more unique resources! For example, learn about Calvin’s Institutes or audio devotionals. In these posts, we’ll show you screenshots and gifs of how it works and special features.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us. You can do so by emailing or messaging us directly on social media. We will do our best to answer your questions!

Bible translation and interpretation is a tricky business, but the Exegetical Summary Series is here to help. This tool is extremely helpful, not because it supplies commentary, but because it acts as a compilation of scholarly work, including comparisons of translation, commentary, and interpretation. Let’s look inside this useful resource!…

Expanded Bible Look Inside

Biblical translation is a difficult job. Behind every new or updated translation of the Bible is a team of faithful individuals representing hundreds of hours carefully agonizing about getting each word, thought, and idea across in the most coherent and respectful way they can (and inevitably catching hate for various…

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We are always on the lookout for titles that will help people read and study the Bible. We have had Greek Interlinears in our apps for some time and added our first Hebrew Interlinear recently. After we launched our Hebrew Interlinear, we took a step back and started to think…

Word Biblical Themes for the Olive Tree Bible App

Word Biblical Themes is a companion series to the well-loved Word Biblical Commentary. Its name gives away its contents — a discussion of biblical themes. But, you can also trust this series to have the same level of scholarship and usefulness as the WBC. In this post, you will find all…

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Life Connections Study Bible

Have you ever heard of the Serendipity Study Bible? Over 40 years of planning and writing led to the creation of that study Bible, complete with thousands of questions for small groups and personal study. Now revised and updated, you can get the Serendipity Study Bible under a new name:…

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The Key Word Commentary is not your average commentary. In fact, it’s incredibly different than every other commentary we’ve used. It provides 10 key insights for every chapter of the Bible, all 1,189 of them. Let’s take a look inside! What’s Inside the Key Word Commentary? Using the commentary is…

NET Bible on Olive Tree

So, maybe you’ve never heard of the NET Bible. That’s okay, but it’s definitely time to learn! Impressively, the NET Bible existed online before any other free online Bible study website. It existed before Google, Facebook, eBay, and Amazon. In fact, there wasn’t a modern English translation online at all.…

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The Old and New Testament Library Series from Westminster John Knox (WJK) Press is a Bible reference series that includes thorough commentaries, theological topical works, and Bible surveys. The WJK Library series includes top-ranked commentaries such as Exodus by Brevard Childs, 1 & 2 Chronicles by Sara Japhet, Lamentations by…

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This tool is an all-in-one resource for Bible study! Get quick, concise help as you read the Bible. Here’s how with the Barbour Bible Reference Companion. Watch & Learn about the Barbour Bible Reference Companion Watch the video below to look inside this easy-to-use tool. Or, keep scrolling to learn…