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Look Inside Olive Tree Resources

Wondering what Bible study tools are right for you? Take a look inside Olive Tree resources and decide for yourself. We’ll give our thoughts on it, too.

Some categories of resources include Bibles, study Bibles, commentaries, and dictionaries. Also, there are posts on more unique resources! For example, learn about Calvin’s Institutes or audio devotionals. In these posts, we’ll show you screenshots and gifs of how it works and special features.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us. You can do so by emailing or messaging us directly on social media. We will do our best to answer your questions!

Have you heard about the ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible? Its print version was so popular that it ran out of print when it was first published! If we could, we would have the same problem. Thankfully, that’s not possible! Some very well-seasoned and well-respected, theologians put together this study Bible:…

reformation commentary

We’ve been looking for a helpful resource to write about for our Reformed friends. After some research, we found one that we think you all will enjoy greatly. The Reformed Expository Commentary Series is edited by Richard Phillips and Phillip Ryken: two Reformed pastors dedicated to Christ-centered preaching paired with…

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Topical Bible

When you don’t know a word, your first inclination might be to look up a dictionary definition. While it may certainly be helpful, the better way to understand a concept is to see it in action. When you experience the word being used, you learn how to use it for…

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There are SO many Biblical resources out there—but how do you know which ones will be helpful to you? Especially if you’re a pastor, you don’t have a lot of time or money to waste! The Christ-Centered Exposition Series makes its purpose clear just from the title. This commentary series…

John Phillips Commentary

Ready to take a look inside the John Phillips Commentary Series? First let’s learn a bit about the man behind the commentary. 1) WHO WAS JOHN PHILLIPS? Phillips was born in South Wales on February 11, 1927. He didn’t stay put there, however. He served in the British Army in…

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Hermeneia is a Greek word, referring to a detailed, systematic exposition of scriptural work—a word entirely fitting for the title of a commentary series. But what makes the Hermeneia Commentary Series different than any other commentary series? It might be difficult to discern. A quick search for the resource on…

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There are lots of ways to learn the Bible, but one of the better ways to start is by getting an overview of the Bible’s big picture. Warren Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines of the Old and New Testament is a fantastic tool for achieving this. HISTORY OF WIERSBE’S EXPOSITORY OUTLINES The…

When it comes to expositing and faithfully teaching the Bible, John MacArthur is a name respected by many. He has been preaching at Grace Community Church and heading Grace to You since 1969. In that time he has written nearly 400 books and study guides that have been published throughout the world.…

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Courson's application commentary

Commentaries may seem as if they are only for pastors, theologians, and seminary students. That’s not true! Any Christian who is looking for reliable information on the Bible can pick up a commentary and start reading. Those who write commentaries know that not all Christians are the same. So, they…

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When we listen to a sermon, we hope for two things: an explanation of the passage, and how it relates to us. These are the two goals the Boice Expositional Commentary Series accomplishes. It helps preachers, teachers and students of the Bible understand the Bible’s tough passages. Then, Boice makes his…