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Look Inside Olive Tree Resources

Wondering what Bible study tools are right for you? Take a look inside Olive Tree resources and decide for yourself. We’ll give our thoughts on it, too.

Some categories of resources include Bibles, study Bibles, commentaries, and dictionaries. Also, there are posts on more unique resources! For example, learn about Calvin’s Institutes or audio devotionals. In these posts, we’ll show you screenshots and gifs of how it works and special features.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us. You can do so by emailing or messaging us directly on social media. We will do our best to answer your questions!

The NKJV Word Study Bible (and KJV version!) is a fantastic resource for your personal Bible study. It includes the NKJV or KJV Bible text with Strong’s tagging, translators’ notes, book introductions, word studies, indexes and a concordance. In this blog we’ll show you how this great resource works when used…

Life Connect Study Bible

How do we move from reading the Bible to applying it to our lives? For many, the idea of “studying” the Bible is overwhelming and questions soon follow: What commentary should I use? Do I need to know Greek or Hebrew to really understand Scripture? Does it take college-level training…

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New Treasury Scripture Knowledge

Typically, finding cross-references requires a lot of page-flipping and sticking your thumb in your Bible to hold your place. But, with the New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (NTSK) in the app, all you do is tap a few times. You can read verses that relate to the passage you’re on…

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You’ve heard many Bible stories hundreds of times, but how many behind-the-scenes details are you missing? Sometimes a little context is all you need to discover the rich meaning behind the stories of Scripture. That’s what the Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible provides. Every page is full of expert insight into…

look inside Reese bible

The KJV Reese Chronological Study Bible is an awesome resource if you want to read the Bible from literal beginning to end. Along with the Bible text, this resource comes with: geographical and archeological notes that help verify Scripture accountscultural and historical notes that shed light on biblical contextsexplanations of…

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The NIV Beautiful Word Bible features 500 familiar verses, chosen from every book of the Bible. Artists illustrated verses from beloved stories, prophecies, and promises in full color to enhance your devotional experience in God’s Word. Perhaps, it can even inspire you to take up your pen and create your own…

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Visual Theology by Tim Challies and artist Josh Byers applies a unique blend of writing and infographics. It’s definitely a new way of displaying the Bible’s deepest truths. No wonder it quickly made the list of Amazon’s Top 20 Bestselling Books! And did you know that Olive Tree is the…

Calvin institutes

Our content formatting team at Olive Tree has put a lot of work into Calvin’s Institutes. In this post, I want to show off some of the things we’ve done to make the Institutes more accessible. Also, maybe I can make a case for everyone having a copy of this…

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Feasting on the Word Commentary

When most people hear the term “lectionary,” their mind often goes to the Roman Catholic church. But they are not the only church that uses a lectionary. It is also popular among Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, and some Presbyterians. What exactly is a lectionary? A lectionary is a collection of Scriptures…

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While dates, flowers, and candy, are nice, there is also the need to connect on a spiritual level. Christian couples ought to be investing in each other’s spiritual well-being just as much. Reading the Bible together is one way to cultivate this kind of intimacy! A resource like the Love…