
Study Bibles


Take a look inside our most popular study Bibles.

In your study of God’s Word, have you ever encountered a topic that you instantly wanted to learn more about? Have you ever wondered, “What does the rest of the Bible say about that?” I’m sure you have and that’s why we want to share with you an excellent resource…

The Lord’s Supper, or communion, should have been a time for believers to celebrate their common union in Christ. It was, after all, a meal that looks back to the establishment of the new covenant through the death of Jesus. But, in the church of Corinth, it had become a…

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Unless you happened to have spent some time in the Eastern part of the world, you probably will not be very familiar with the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church traces its roots back to the early church and has been the predominant Church in the Eastern world since that time.…

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“Christian, what do you believe?” In gatherings of the church, such questions are typically followed by recitations of the Apostles’ or Nicene Creeds. While some may balk at the inclusion of creeds in a worship service, many Christians have found these short summaries of core Christian doctrine helpful for unifying…

In the third chapter of Colossians, Paul provides several metaphors for the believer’s growth in holiness. As a result of the believer’s union with Christ, they are to put some things to death, put off some things that they used to wear, and put on new things that resemble the…

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Paul provides a glimpse of his ministry among the Thessalonians that shows us what authentic ministry looks like. Let’s see what we can learn from his example as he describes this for the Thessalonians. We’re using content from the CSB Life Connections Study Bible to shed light on his example…

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There’s a clear difference between believers and unbelievers, a difference that is as stark as that between black and white, light and darkness. The source of this difference is God himself, since he is light and there is no darkness in him at all. John tells us that this difference…

Through the prophet Isaiah, God promised that one day his people would be fruitful beyond all measure. Their shame, disgrace, and vulnerability would be taken away and their joy restored. Let’s see how God uses the picture of the barren, widowed, and divorced woman to show his people that their…

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While most of the church’s growth over the centuries has been marked by slow and steady progress, there have been remarkable works of God when the church grew rapidly in a rather short amount of time. Historians have typically referred to these supernatural works of God as revivals or awakenings.…

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If you’ve ever spent any time in the workforce, then I’m willing to bet that you’re well-acquainted with the idler and the meddler. Some people work harder at avoiding work than they do in actually performing their job. Paul calls them idlers, while we may know them more as slackers.…