
New Testament


New Testament

Wanting to learn more about the New Testament? Here are some posts on topics, scholarly questions, and more on New Testament passages. Some are our own thoughts and some are the thoughts of prominent Christian scholars.

Would you consider yourself naturally drawn to structure and order in your personal life, career, family, or church? Or would you think of yourself as more attracted to a life that doesn’t seem so formalized and rigid? I think we all have preferences one way or the other. These depend…

The Bible is filled with pictures and metaphors from its extensive cultural context. Often, these metaphors are used in such a way as to encourage us to walk in obedience. Once such metaphor comes from the world of sports. In this case, the world of the arena and the games.…

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One of the most poetically beautiful passages about Christ in all of Scripture is in Paul’s letter to the Colossians. The passage is beautiful in its structure, using balance, repetition, and diversity for emphasis and importance. But the beauty of the passage is most directly displayed in its subject—Christ. From…

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The gospel is the best news in the world. The message of Jesus Christ’s victory over sin, death, and the devil is what every person needs to hear. Jesus is King and that is tremendous news for those who have “kissed the Son” (Ps. 2:12) and all are beckoned to…

For over fifty years, J. Vernon McGee’s study Thru the Bible has been broadcast over the radio to a vast, worldwide audience. I found his broadcast soon after becoming a Christian and was immediately drawn by his distinct and iconic voice. He made the Bible understandable and left me craving…

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In exhorting the church to conduct themselves faithfully during a time of intense trial, Peter weaves the themes of humility and suffering together. Humility emphasizes the need for submission to both God-appointed leaders and God Himself in prayer. Suffering emphasizes the need for standing firm. Here’s some help working through…

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Have you ever wanted to read all four of the Gospels at the same time without flipping or clicking back and forth? The Olive Tree Gospel Harmonies make this possible. The Harmony of the Gospels is a chronological account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection in side-by-side parallel format designed…

Two Thieves on the Cross

When Jesus was hanging on the cross, one dying thief demonstrated how someone can be on the brink of death and still call Christ Lord. No matter where you are in life, there’s always time to recognize Jesus’ lordship in your own life. Read the below notes from the MacArthur…

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Revelation Blessing

For many Christians, the book of Revelation might be a terrifying book. Objectively, all this talk of serpents, battles, and judgement might be enough to send a chill down anyone’s spine. Paradoxically, this letter was actually written to be a blessing to its hearers. The following article was adapted from…

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In a world where there is so much to divide us, how do we remain united as Christians? Paul provides direction on being of one mind in his letter to the Philippians. And, the ESV Expository Commentary Set has great insight on this passage. Here are Paul’s remarks, followed by…