
New Testament


New Testament

Wanting to learn more about the New Testament? Here are some posts on topics, scholarly questions, and more on New Testament passages. Some are our own thoughts and some are the thoughts of prominent Christian scholars.

It takes intentionality to reflect on Christ during the busy seasons of our lives — especially the holiday season. Below, you’ll find an excerpt from the Preaching the Word Commentary on John. We’ve grabbed the section that covers John 1:1-3, a great section for meditating on the eternal Christ and…

Ready to study wisdom in James 3 with cross references? If you haven’t read our studies on James 1 and 2 yet, check out the links below! King Solomon is easily admired. When he became king after his father David, he had something very special happen early in his reign.…

Word Study Example James 2

We’ve put together a Bible study series on James for you! Going chapter by chapter, you can get some new ideas about Bible study, learn how to use new tools, and gain new insights on the book of James. In the first post, we completed a character study on James.…

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Character Study James

James is one of my favorite books in the Bible. I’ve read through it many times, heard it preached, studied it verse-by-verse, wrote a devotional commentary on it, and more. There is so much to explore and learn in this short letter. So, I’m excited that we’re exploring James’ epistle…

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Paul and the church in Corinth are at odds. What does he do? Paul comforts them! Go in-depth with the introduction to 2 Corinthians with this excerpt from the New American Commentary. 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of…

The Truth About Jesus Excerpt from the NIV Storyline Study Bible

When you think of Jesus, do you think of a man gently petting sheep? Do you think of a warrior on a white horse with a fire in his eyes? The truth about Jesus Christ is that he is all this and more. Learn about how dynamic and counter-cultural Jesus…

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fig tree Jesus curse

Toward the beginning of Mark 11, Jesus goes to eat from a fig tree. However, the fig tree has not bore any fruit and he curses it. Then, after clearing out the temple, Peter sees that the cursed fig tree is now withered. But why did Jesus curse the fig…

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The Gospels and Acts mention the Sanhedrin quite a bit. But what do you know about them? Test your knowledge with this excerpt from the John volume of the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary. We guarantee you’ll learn something new! The Sanhedrin: A Ruling Council A high priest acting without…