
Old Testament


Old Testament

Wanting to learn more about the Old Testament? Here are some posts on topics, scholarly questions, and more on Old Testament passages. Some are our own thoughts and some are the thoughts of prominent Christian scholars.

Now the angel of the Lord came and sat under the terebinth at Ophrah, which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, while his son Gideon was beating out wheat in the winepress to hide it from the Midianites. And the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, “The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor.” — Judges…

Priestly Blessing Aaronic Blessing

You’ve probably heard the priestly blessing at least once or twice: “the Lord bless you and keep you”. Maybe you heard it without realizing what it was. Or, perhaps you have been dying to learn more about this passage, the Aaronic blessing, in Numbers. Either way, this article is for…

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Misguided Convictions About Daniel

If you’ve ever taken the time to study the book of Daniel, maybe you’ve had difficulty in interpreting issues of authorship and prophecy. Conversely, perhaps your assumptions are based on what others have told you about the text. John E. Goldingay included his thoughts on some misguided convictions about Daniel…

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There is an avalanche of sin in Genesis. It includes pride, murder, sexual immorality to name a few. But what is the significance of these stories? Read this excerpt by Gordon J. Wenham. We found it in the Word Biblical Commentary. THE IMPORTANCE OF GENESIS The ancient [Near Eastern] background…

Noah rainbow covenant meaning

I set my rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud: and I will remember My covenant which is…

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Deuteronomy meaning

This content is adapted from the blog over at Zondervan Academic and is written by Jeremy Bouma (ThM). Maybe it’s because I’m a green preacher and haven’t taught on the Old Testament often, but applying Deuteronomy to 21st century living is a head scratcher. Yet Daniel Block’s commentary on Deuteronomy (NIVAC) manages…

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What does the Old Testament — specifically the book of Joshua — have to do with Jesus? Read this content pulled from the Bible Knowledge Commentary to find out. THE PURPOSE OF THE BOOK OF JOSHUA The purpose of the Book of Joshua is to give an official account of…

Proverbs in Context

This article on reading Proverbs is originally from the Zondervan Academic blog. Reading Proverbs One of my seminary professors used to cheekily refer to common Christian devotional practices as our “daily bread crumb”. Meaning: we often take a verse or even part of a verse and spin out a comforting…

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the satisfied life

Life can be difficult and dangerous, but in the Psalms we see God’s faithfulness to us through the difficult and dangerous times. This excerpt, taken directly from the BE Series Commentary by Wiersbe, walks us through Psalm 91. Even when life is dangerous, in God we can have a hidden,…

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Psalm 51 has long been one of my favorite passages of Scripture, and I came to love it because of Jon Foreman’s song White as Snow. Other people may shy away from this psalm because it’s entirely about sin. However, it’s pretty humbling to read (and even more humbling to…