Following his teaching on the source of true defilement (Mark 7:1–23), Jesus enters Gentile territory and delivers a young girl from an unclean spirit at the desperate request of her mother. Let’s see how this exorcism anticipates the inclusion of the Gentiles into the saving purposes of God with these…

In a previous post, we looked at the role clean and unclean foods played in establishing the holiness of God’s people. Fast forward several thousand years and we see Jesus using those same categories to teach where true defilement comes from. Let’s follow up our previous post with this look…

There are many ways to reflect on the Word of God, whether it’s through a daily devotional, sermon, discussion, in-depth word study, or book on Christian living. In today’s digital age, it’s not as practical to lug around a huge selection of reference material. By going partly or fully digital,…

How should we understand the distinction between clean and unclean creatures in the book of Leviticus? What role did this distinction have for the ancient Israelites? And how did this distinction relate to God’s holiness? Let’s learn more about this part of the Leviticus holiness code with these notes from…

The end of letters in the New Testament often contains important details about relatively unknown servants of Christ. However sparse these details may be, they help us get a glimpse of other faithful workers for Christ in these churches. What can we learn from these co-workers in the concluding remarks…

What does it look like to fulfill the law of Christ? Actually, it looks like a lot of work, like bearing burdens! It looks like caring for those who need help and observantly watching oneself. It looks like supporting those who teach the Word and sowing the seeds of the…

Psalm 19 describes a movement from God’s general revelation to special revelation to heartfelt petitions by a repentant sinner. Keep reading these notes from the CSB Baker Illustrated Study Bible to learn more about God’s general and special revelation. Revelation of God God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, morally perfect Creator…

Check out this article from the ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible on the gospel. Keep reading to see why the gospel is not just good news, but the best news. May you experience more and more of the transformative work of the gospel! Good News for Sinners The gospel is…