As Christians we recognize our salvation is entirely of God from the beginning to the end (Jon. 2:9). We all affirm that salvation “is the gift of God, not by works” (Eph. 2:8–9). It is the outworking of God’s grace and not the outworking of our good deeds. Nevertheless, we…

The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (NTSK) is like a cross-reference library but bigger and better. With over 600,000 cross-references, the NTSK averages 20 cross-references per verse of the Bible. Not only that, the NTSK uses symbols and abbreviations to provide information about the cross-references. For example, a * placed…

Matthew’s gospel begins with a genealogy showing that Jesus Christ is the “Son of David, the Son of Abraham” (Matt. 1:1). Matthew intends to show how Jesus fulfills the promises of God. And the first of these promises are tied to the virgin birth, the naming of Jesus and his…

How can you take your study of God’s word a step further if you’re unfamiliar with the original languages? Well, we’ve created a product that can do just that! Welcome to the ESV Reverse Interlinear for the New Testament. This is the second reverse interlinear we’ve done at Olive Tree,…

Here’s a guest post from author and pastor Michael Beaumont on the Christian Basics Bible. Keep reading to learn more about this excellent resource new to Olive Tree. WHY A ‘CHRISTIAN BASICS BIBLE’? For three simple reasons. First, there are more and more people coming to faith in Christ in…

When chapter divisions were first added to the Bible nearly 800 years ago by Stephen Langton, I’m fairly certain he didn’t envision the effect and influence they would have on future translations. And I’m definitely sure he didn’t anticipate a commentary like the Key Word Commentary. The Key Word Commentary…

One of the first passages of the Bible I memorized after becoming a Christian at the age of nineteen was Romans 6. I was involved in a Bible Study and wanted to commit this passage to memory because it depicts the new life I now had in Christ in radical…

Here’s a look at some interpretive questions from the book of Ruth with some help from the ESV Expository Commentary. This is a soon-to-be twelve-volume commentary series that provides introductions, outlines, comments, and responses on every book in the Bible. Keep reading for a taste of what this succinct and…

Have you ever wondered what your church community should look like? I’m sure you have and I’m sure you’ve compared it to what you’ve read in Scripture. And I’m willing to bet that what you’ve experienced in your church community resembles what you see in Scripture to a greater or…