It reads like something one would encounter in a modern-day spy novel; a kidnapping heist designed to whisk away a wanted man to a secret location, hired thieves smuggled Martin Luther to Wartburg Castle after the Diet of Worms in 1521. While in hiding and under a new identity (Junker…

Quick—what is more precious than jewels and more profitable than gold? That’s right, wisdom (Prov. 3:14-15; 8:11, 18-19)! Through the centuries, many Christians have turned to the book of Proverbs for wisdom. That is, essentially, what the book is about. Written at the highpoint of Israel’s history with the gift…

After a midnight escape from hostile Jews in Thessalonica, Paul and Silas arrived in Berea and encountered a synagogue of Jews who were more receptive to their message that Jesus is the Christ. This is where we find the well-known verse, “Now these Jews were more noble than those in…

Have you ever wanted to read all four of the Gospels at the same time without flipping or clicking back and forth? The Olive Tree Gospel Harmonies make this possible. The Harmony of the Gospels is a chronological account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection in side-by-side parallel format designed…

It is an extraordinary claim. As Jesus stood trial before the most powerful person in Judea, the Caesar-appointed procurator Pontius Pilate, he states his reason for coming into this world. “I was born for this, and I have come into the world for this: to testify to the truth. Everyone…

We all know there is typically far more going on beneath the surface of the biblical text than what we pick up on with a cursory reading or two. This is where resources like the IVP Bible Background Commentary can help fill in the gaps and bring the ancient world…

We’ve all gotten to those places in our reading and studying of Scripture where we come across an ancient genealogy and suddenly lose all our momentum. We find the notion of someone else’s family tree to be completely irrelevant to our own lives in the 21st century and often succumb…

Bible commentaries and study notes are great tools for understanding what the Bible has to say to us today. Often overlooked, however, is the value that using Scripture to understand Scripture can bring. God’s inspired word is a complex tapestry of themes all woven together, and the development of those…

Two Thieves on the Cross

When Jesus was hanging on the cross, one dying thief demonstrated how someone can be on the brink of death and still call Christ Lord. No matter where you are in life, there’s always time to recognize Jesus’ lordship in your own life. Read the below notes from the MacArthur…