I’m late in posting again. This time around, it was our shiny new website that was taking up my attention the beginning of this week. But again, better late than never! This week we started the books of Joshua and Acts. It’s great to read these two together, because they…

Let’s take a deeper look at the Jewish New Year, Rosh-HaShanah, with some notes and articles from three passages in the Complete Jewish Study Bible. We’ll look at the historical background, the traditional observance, and the anticipated prophetic fulfillment associated with this Holy Day of the Jewish calendar. Leviticus 23:23–25…

The interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2 reveals the sequence of kingdoms from Babylon to Rome. The significance of this sequence comes at the end when the God of heaven sets up a kingdom unlike all the others. This eternal kingdom breaks all the other kingdoms into pieces and…

Last week I mentioned in my intro that Fall weather was finally here. As I sit to write this post, there is snow on the ground outside. It is definitely not expected and, if I’m honest, not very welcome yet. This week is also a rather interesting week for just…

What makes a faithful church? That’s a question many have attempted to answer through the centuries, but perhaps the best answer we have is in Colossians 2:1–7. While this text is probably not the first text that comes to mind in attempting to answer that question, William Barclay shows us…

Would you be angry if God saved your fiercest enemies? Would it displease you if God showed mercy to them? As astonishing as that response would seem, that’s exactly how Jonah responded when God spared the Ninevites from imminent judgment. This didn’t take Jonah by surprise though as he seems…

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the most well-known parables of Jesus. But have you ever wondered what his followers have said about the parable throughout church history? You can now easily read comments on Scripture by Christians throughout church history with the ESV Church History Study…

The weather in the Inland Northwest, where I live, has finally turned fully to Fall. I love this time of year. The leaves have turned to gold and red, and are littering the streets with added beauty. Two of my sons play rugby with a local club and Saturday was…

Here are 3 things you need to know about the Mac update: You’ll need to log back into your Olive Tree account which is now found here: 2. My Stuff is now located right below Account Details for easier access! 3. If you don’t see the update right away you…