When we look at the Passion Week, we rightly look to the work of Jesus Christ. We even focus on individuals like the disciples or Pilate. Yet, a character we rarely give any attention to is Barabbas, the man who was freed in place of Jesus. So, as we look…

Palm Sunday can sound like a joyous celebration if we tell the story a certain way. There’s a big crowd waving palm branches, shouting “hosanna.” Jesus rides in on a donkey—his triumphal entry. Then, we get our kids to relay the scene on stage at church. It’s cute and fun…

In Christ’s Words from the Cross, Charles Spurgeon talks in great lengths about Jesus’ crucifixion, including those who were crucified with him. The dying thief did the impossible that day. In front of multitudes of scoffers, he used the only part of his body not nailed to the cross (his…

In 1857, Charles Spurgeon promised to release all his earliest sermons. But, due to the incredible amount of other work he was committed to accomplishing, this dream was never fulfilled. Now, 160 years later, the Lost Sermons of Spurgeon have been recovered and his promise kept. A TEENAGER’S NOTEBOOKS Christian…

Baker exegetical commentary

We now have the 18-volume version of the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT)! This resource comes with over 6,000 pages of conservative, modern scholarship—and it now includes commentary on Romans, Colossians, and Philemon. THE BASICS OF THE BAKER EXEGETICAL COMMENTARY This series is written by well-known and…

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. —John 17:15-16 NIV IN THE WORLD, NOT OF THE WORLD How are God’s people supposed to engage…

“Confidence in God” is an article from the NLT Study Bible. It is a fantastic resource for anyone in the earlier stages of Bible study. God gave Nehemiah favor in the eyes of a mighty Persian king so that the king responded favorably to all of Nehemiah’s requests (1:11; 2:8,…


Learning from ancient Christians is priceless (here’s why). But it can be difficult to find out what they each had to say about a specific passage of the Bible. For example, it wouldn’t be super easy to find commentary on the Beatitudes from a handful of church fathers. Not only…

ancient books

Not too many people loved reading Hamlet or Wuthering Heights in high school. Why? The language was confusing! Older literature takes time to understand due to cultural nuances, idioms, and unfamiliar vocabulary. This can be a huge deterrent for reading the works of ancient Christians. Reading translations of Augustine’s or…