This article is written by Brian Simmons, lead Translator of The Passion Translation It would be impossible to calculate how many lives have been changed forever by the power of the Bible, the living Word of God! My life was transformed forever because I believed the message contained in the…

October 31st is the 501-year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Many Protestants are celebrating this day, all around the world! Although Olive Tree provides resources to a wide-variety of denominations, we thought this would be a great opportunity to talk a bit about how the Protestant Reformation began. Throughout the…

reformation commentary

We’ve been looking for a helpful resource to write about for our Reformed friends. After some research, we found one that we think you all will enjoy greatly. The Reformed Expository Commentary Series is edited by Richard Phillips and Phillip Ryken: two Reformed pastors dedicated to Christ-centered preaching paired with…

Have you ever heard of Menno Simmons? Now is your chance to learn a little bit about this Reformation hero. Check out the tiny biography below. NAME: Menno Simmons BIRTH: 1496, date unknown DEATH: January 31, 1561 HOMETOWN: Witmarsum, Friesland, modern-day Netherlands VOCATION: Catholic priest, Anabaptist pastor and author FAMILY:…

Topical Bible

When you don’t know a word, your first inclination might be to look up a dictionary definition. While it may certainly be helpful, the better way to understand a concept is to see it in action. When you experience the word being used, you learn how to use it for…

“… for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” – Acts 4:12, speaking on Christ Alone CHRIST ALONE Of the five solas, solus Christus is the most important. This sola unifies all the others. Without the person and work of Jesus…

Did you know that John Calvin made a point to write very little about himself—which is one reason why we don’t know much about his personal life? He isn’t the only one. The reformers didn’t write too many captivating memoirs, despite their brave and dangerous lives. Why didn’t the reformers…

Thomas Cramner

Who is Thomas Cranmer? We know! Mostly because we found some great biographies in our store. We’ve broken up the bits to give you a short summary of a man with a long list of accomplishments. NAME: Thomas Cranmer BIRTH: July 2, 1489 DEATH: March 21, 1556, age 66 HOMETOWN:…

The book of Psalms has a special place in the hearts of many of God’s people—not as though it were more holy or more inspired than other books; it’s not. But for many believers, the Psalms express their emotions to God in a profound, God-honoring way. That’s why we’ve decided to…