We toss around that word “enhanced” a lot, and thought we should clarify. Have you heard us talk about our enhanced sermons? We have those! And we have them because we believe there is a lot to be learned by studying with sermons. WHAT ARE ENHANCED SERMONS? Inside sermons, there…

cultural backgrounds

We say it all the time. It’s important to understand the background of the Bible! But like many things in life, we won’t put it into practice until we understand why it’s important. So, here are seven really great reasons to study the cultural backgrounds of the Bible. 1. Understand…

Courson's application commentary

Commentaries may seem as if they are only for pastors, theologians, and seminary students. That’s not true! Any Christian who is looking for reliable information on the Bible can pick up a commentary and start reading. Those who write commentaries know that not all Christians are the same. So, they…

Studying the culture of the Bible can lead you down many, many rabbit trails. But the Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible likes to make everything concise. Here are their eleven principles for studying biblical culture. The Importance of Understanding Biblical Culture: Proverbs 2:1-2, 5-6 “My son, if you receive my words,And…

IT’S TRUE—COMMUNITY MATTERS “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 We, here at…

Ready for a quick, short, applicable lesson from Hebrews 8? We’re pulling out some content from Max Lucado’s Life Lessons Study Bible. It’s full of easy-to-understand studies like this one. Check it out! SITUATION Hebrews 8: Jewish Christians struggled to understand the relationship between God’s free salvation and the Mosaic…

When we listen to a sermon, we hope for two things: an explanation of the passage, and how it relates to us. These are the two goals the Boice Expositional Commentary Series accomplishes. It helps preachers, teachers and students of the Bible understand the Bible’s tough passages. Then, Boice makes his…

Have you heard? We updated our Android app! This update wasn’t a little bug fix or adding one new feature. Hours and hours of hard work from our development team went into this update, and we couldn’t be more proud. Maybe you have already updated the app and seen the…

Read and Study the Bible in new ways

The Bible is an ancient text. So, it isn’t surprising when we get a little bored while reading it—especially with our entertainment-saturated culture. The average person watches only 10-seconds of a video on Facebook! If our attention spans can only handle 10-seconds of a video, how can we possibly stay…