Below is an excerpt from Eugene Cho’s book Overrated. We’ve provided more information about it at the bottom of this post. Excerpt by Eugene Cho Over the years, I’ve been given by some the mini-reputation as a leader in the field of justice. At first, I took it as a…

My early attempts at Bible study were sporadic and didn’t go that smoothly. I soon learned that I needed a more formalized approach to my Bible study. Here are a few tips and resources I’ve found that will help you keep your Bible study on track. Prepare yourself through Prayer…

Feasting on the Word Commentary

When most people hear the term “lectionary,” their mind often goes to the Roman Catholic church. But they are not the only church that uses a lectionary. It is also popular among Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, and some Presbyterians. What exactly is a lectionary? A lectionary is a collection of Scriptures…

For many people, it is a 40-day period—not including the six Sundays—devoted to reflection, repentance, fasting, and preparation prior to Easter. How is the date of Lent and Easter decided? Unlike Christmas, Easter is not a fixed date on the calendar; it is sometimes described as a “moveable feast.” The…

While dates, flowers, and candy, are nice, there is also the need to connect on a spiritual level. Christian couples ought to be investing in each other’s spiritual well-being just as much. Reading the Bible together is one way to cultivate this kind of intimacy! A resource like the Love…

Many of the Puritans believed a preacher had to saturate himself with Scripture and apply it before he could preach it to others. With such sound advice, how do we move forward? This is where a resource like this is handy; it helps preachers and teachers understand their passage while…

Out of all the works that a Christian can read, systematic theologies could easily be most daunting. Nearly the only people you find reading them are pastors and seminary students. Their stigma keeps others away. But after I read a few systematic theologies myself, I’ve had a change of heart.…

Every new year thousands of Christians start a new Bible reading plan with the hope of reading through the entire Bible in a year. A few weeks into January or February and most have already abandoned those plans. I readily admit that I used to be one of those people.…

Willmington's Guide to the Bible

Bibles guides — the unsung heroes of Bible study. If you’re reading this post because “Guide to the Bible” caught your eye, you won’t be the only one! Bible guides are popular for obvious reasons. We could all use a helpful guide to the Bible, and Willmington’s is a great…