Commentaries are a dime a dozen these days. Bible students have no shortage of commentaries to choose from. Yet, finding a good single volume Bible commentary can still prove difficult. So, when a respected name in scholarship throws their hat in the ring it’s worth taking notice. This is exactly…

NIV Word Study Bible

We are so glad we can offer the NIV Word Study Bible. This resource includes everything you need to start doing basic word studies in the NIV. The NIV Word Study Bible provides a complete index of every appearance of every word in the NIV Bible. It’s a must-own for every…

A Christian without a resurrection is a dismal Christian indeed. In 1 Corinthians, Paul goes so far as to say that if Christ has not been raised, our faith is futile. We are still in our sins (1 Corinthians 15:17). Praise God, then, that Christ died for our sins and…

hope in the waiting

Holy week is so busy! First, Jesus rides into Jerusalem. People are singing and shouting, surrounding him — an introvert’s nightmare. Then he flips tables and empties out the temple. He’s betrayed. He gives thanks even in the presence of His betrayer. The first communion takes place, with Jesus sharing…

While the gospel ought to always be at the forefront of our minds, I do not deny there being something special about this time of year. The Passion Week presents us with the opportunity to look closely at the cross of Christ and to share salvation’s good news with loved…

We loved the Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity so much, that we were the first to release it in digital format! This three-volume encyclopedia offers unparalleled, comprehensive coverage of the people, places and ideas of ancient Christianity. With our app, you can access eight centuries of the Christian church no matter where…

When we think about the characteristics of God, we usual think He is: good, pure, all-knowing, all-powerful. Dr. Brian Simmons, Lead Translator for The Passion Translation, would also add passionate and poetic to that list. Here’s why, in Simmon’s own words. “God Is Passionate and Poetic. It may surprise some…

Reading and studying the Bible are important disciplines for all Christians. But the concept of Bible study can be more elusive. In Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods, Warren starts out by saying; I have discovered that most Christians sincerely want to study their Bibles on their own, but they just…