
Reformed Expository Commentary


The opening sentences of Ecclesiastes are probably among the most depressing opening sentences of any work of literature, ancient or otherwise. “Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity” (Eccl. 1:2). There doesn’t seem to be too much of a point to anything and one wonders…

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Have you ever considered the importance of rest in the biblical storyline? Hebrews, one of the most biblical books in the Bible, has a lot to say about it. Let’s look deeper into this theme with some help from the Reformed Expository Commentary series. The Sabbath Rest One of the…

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Revelation Blessing

For many Christians, the book of Revelation might be a terrifying book. Objectively, all this talk of serpents, battles, and judgement might be enough to send a chill down anyone’s spine. Paradoxically, this letter was actually written to be a blessing to its hearers. The following article was adapted from…

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reformation commentary

We’ve been looking for a helpful resource to write about for our Reformed friends. After some research, we found one that we think you all will enjoy greatly. The Reformed Expository Commentary Series is edited by Richard Phillips and Phillip Ryken: two Reformed pastors dedicated to Christ-centered preaching paired with…

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